An orbital sander smoothed out all the edges and rounded over the corners.
A Dremel grinder with a cut-off wheel was used to create segment lines on the jack-o-lantern's face.
Easy to make DIY Wood Halloween Pumpkins. Great outdoor Halloween decorations.
Orange paint with brown stems, made these outdoor decorations very colorful.
We used some scrap pieces of 1 x4 and 1x6 pine. We glued and pressed them together with pipe clamps to create a single board large enough for our Halloween pumpkin design.
Create your own custom branding iron. Great for burning you own logo into all your woodworking projects.
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DIY Easy Crafts
Halloween Wood Pumpkins
We glued and screwed another 1x4 piece of pine onto the bottom of each Halloween Pumpkin. A brick or other weighted object can be used to keep the Pumpkin from blowing over in the wind. For grass mounting just drill a hole through the bracket and spike the pumpkin in location.
We then cut the outline out with a jigsaw