Make your own cast resin American Flag Knife scales
Cast Resin Shark Tooth knife Handles An assortment of knife handles with shark teeth and fossil shark teeth cast in resin. Each with a how-to video showing the entire process.
How to make cast resin ocean wave knife handles. Complete how-to video instructions from
Introduction to Knifemaking The Beginner's DIY Guide to Making Knives.
Shark Frenzy Chef Knife with cast fossil shark teeth handles

How to make cast resin knife handles. An assortment of unique resin cast knife handles projects. Feel free to duplicate these or use some of the techniques to make your own custom design.
How would you make cast resin Sea Turtle knife handles
Wood Chip Cast Resin Knife Handles These one of a kind cast resin knife handles or scales are made from Hard Wood chips and resin. Easy DIY project for the knife maker.
How to easily make Seashell cast resin knife handle scales. In this short how-to video Dan Berg from shows how to make custom cast resin Seashell handles or scales.
Cast Resin Skull Knife Handles How to make cast resin Skull theme knife handles. Each with instructional video detailing entire process.
How to make a Shark themed Chef knife with electro etched blade design and fossil shark teeth cast resin handles. Part 2 In this short how-to video Dan Berg from shows how to make a custom shark themed knife with fossil shark teeth handles or scales. This is part 2 of a two part video series. In part 1 Dan demonstrated how he can use almost any shark image, trace it and import it into his silhouette cameo craft vinyl cutting machine. The image will be cut out and used in part to during the blade etching process. Dan then shows how he cast the one of a kind scales using totalboat thick set resin. In part 2 we cover the electro etching process, mounting the handles and sharpening the blade.

Introduction to Knifemaking

The Beginner's Guide to Making Knives 

By Dan Berg and Jason Northgard

How to make cast resin knife handles.

An assortment of unique resin cast knife handles projects. All of these cast resin projects are done without the use of a pressure pot or vacuum chamber. Feel free to duplicate these or use some of the techniques to make your own custom design.

How to make cast resin knife handles. An assortment of unique resin cast knife handles projects. Feel free to duplicate these or use some of the techniques to make your own custom design.
Cast Resin Golf Ball Textured knife Handles Check out how we made this golf themed chef knife with golf ball textured cast resin handles.
Cast Resin Flame Knife Handles How to cast resin Flame Knife scales. These handles or scales are cast without the use of a pressure pot. They are pretty easy to make. You will just need resin, color dye, a knife handle mold and some basic shop tools.
Cast Crinkle texture Knife Handles