How to easily heat treat 1095 high carbon steel. The precut knife blanks which we sell are all 1095 high carbon steel. 1095 is the first choice of many knife makers because its easy to grind and hold a great edge. In the near future we will be add information on heat treating and tempering a variety of other materials including AEB-L stainless steel.
How to use Rockwell Hardness files to test exactly how hard your knife blade is after heat treating.
Heat treating 1095 can be fairly simple.
Normalizing: If the blade was forged and hammered into shape you should Normalize the blade prior to heat threat. To Normalize bring the blade to Non magnetic and then let it cool slowly without quenching. Usually this process is done two times.
Heat Treating: If the blade was cut from stock and bevels formed by stock removal many feel Normalizing is not even necessary. To Heat treat bring the blade to non magnetic and then quench quickly in oil. The oil can be pre heated to around 120 degrees for a more consistent result.
Evenheat ovens can come with a variety of controllers. This short video shows how to use the Set-Pro controller to program the oven for simple knife heat treating.
Introduction to Knifemaking
The Beginner's Guide to Making Knives
By Dan Berg and Jason Northgard
How to heat treat AEBL stainless steel. Dan Berg from Berg Blades shows how to heat treat AEB-L using tool wrap and a heat treating oven as well as aluminum plates and dry ice. Check out the video. Its not as hard as it might sound.
DIY Easy Crafts
The Complete Online Guide to Knife Making