
After a full 24 hours the stepping stones can be removed from the molds. Sharp edges can be removed with sand paper.

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The last step is just to add a wick and melted wax to the cavity. Both are available at your local arts and crafts store.

How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

DIY Easy Crafts

Cement Candle Holder

How to make easy DIY Cement candle holder. Great craft for backyard and outdoor living. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Note the wire is tied to a small piece of wire which holds the small container in place.

Custom concrete candle holders colored to match existing pavers. Great for backyard or deck.

Start be picking a few plastic containers that will be used to create the mold. You will also need smaller containers to form the cavity to hold wax. For some I used a Quart soup container and for the cavity I used a spray can top and also cut the bottom inch off a plastic cup. Drill a small hole in the center of each container. insert a thin wire through each hole. A small stick or piece of wire is needed

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Use any plastic container to create your own custom cement or concrete candle holders. These decorative candles are perfect for outdoor use. Check out our short youtube video which details all aspects for this easy and inexpensive DIY project.

How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Create a custom cement stepping candle Holder. Great for the backyard or deck and they can be designed to match your existing pavers. 

Once the cement dries for at least 24 hours it can be removed from the containers. 

How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Check out another DIY Cement project. Custom Cement stepping stones.

How to make a DIY Cement candle holder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com