DIY Easy Crafts

Carved Pistol Grips

Dremel carved Celtic Basket Weave pistol grips.

How to make custom carved wood Celtic basket weave designed pistol grips for a Kimber 1911. FREE step by step instructions.

How to easily carve Celtic style basket weave wood pistol grips with a dremel grinder. Easy DIY woodworking craft. The same techniques can be used on a variety of other DIY craft projects. The handgun grips featured below are made from walnut for a Kimber 1911.

How to make custom carved wood Celtic basket weave designed pistol grips for a Kimber 1911. FREE step by step instructions.
How to make custom carved wood Celtic basket weave designed pistol grips for a Kimber 1911. FREE step by step instructions.
How to make custom carved wood Celtic basket weave designed pistol grips for a Kimber 1911. FREE step by step instructions.