Self standing canvas are available at most art supply stores. They have a deeper base and triangular sides which allow them to balance on the thinest of shelves.
Once all three layers are dry the DIY craft is complete. Canvas art can be wall hunk or as stand alone shelf art.
After the photo is applied to the canvas with Mod Podge and has dried, coat the surface with additional layers of Mod Podge. At least three layers are recommended. Be sure to allow each coating to completely dry before applying the next.
Place the Type your photograph onto the canvas and work out most creases and bubbles by rubbing outward with your fingers. Don't worry about small imperfections as most will get hidden by the layers of Mod Podge.
Coat the canvas with Mod Podge. Be sure to cover the entire canvas and a little over the edge so a bit of each side is also coated.
Step one is to print your photographs. Make sure to crop and print them large enough to cover the entire canvas. The photos should be cut to match the canvas size
Next use acrylic paint to color the edges and about 1/4 inch around all sides. We like black paint but you can use whatever color best matches your homes decor.
DIY Easy Crafts mod podge photo canvas transfer. Use any photograph or images printed from your home computer to create spectacular canvas home decor ideas. All you need to get started are 8x10 or 8x8 canvas, Mod Podge, a sponge applicator, scissors and a razor blade. DIY Easy Crafts mod podge photo canvas transfer is great for personalized cheap home decor . Canvas art can be expensive but with mod podge cheap home decor is possible for anyone.