Check out our short how to video. This video details just how easy it is to fix a leaking over pressure relief valve. We saved hundreds of dollars by doing this easy DIY project ourselves. All you need is a couple simple tools, some teflon tape and about one hour. The video gives complete step by step instructions.
Save hundreds of dollars by repairing your own leaking boiler over pressure relief valve and expansion tank.
Expansion tank. This tank should not be full of water. Tap on the side. If it a dull sound all the way up then it is full of water and must be replaced.
Drain valve located at the bottom of your boiler. Used to drain the system before repairs are made.
How to Easily Repair a leaking Boiler Relief valve and expansion tank
Boiler over pressure relief valve. If water is leaking from this valve it could be the valve or more likely the expansion tank. Both are easy to replace.