
DIY Easy Crafts

Wood Christmas Tree Decoration

These decorative miniature Christmas Tree sets also make great holiday presents. 

A little green paint for the tree and brown paint for the trunk and base complete the project. 

How to make DIY Wood Christmas Tree decorations. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Easy DIY Firewood Snowman Christmas Decoration. Check out the short video posted below which details the entire process.

We added curved grooves into the wood to give the Tree a little bit of texture.

How to make DIY Wood Christmas Tree decorations. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to make DIY Wood Christmas Tree decorations. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

An additional option is to slice a small branch and glue it onto each side of the Christmas trees trunk.

How to make DIY Wood Christmas Tree decorations. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Start by sketching the shape onto a 1x6. Then cut out the shape of the Christmas Tree. We used a band saw and jig saw.

A dremmel grinder with a sanding disc can be used to smooth out the rough edges. Or just use sand paper.

How to make DIY Wood Christmas Tree decorations. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

We found similar Christmas Tree decorations at the local florist. Could not believe how expensive the were. This is a easy DIY project. Only supplies needed are one piece of 1x6, a couple screws and a little green and brown paint.

How to make DIY Wood Christmas Tree decorations. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

For the base two pieces of  the 1x6 are cut. The top piece is marked with the exact shape of the trees trunk. We then dripped two holes through that piece and cut out the marked area with a jig saw. The end result is the trunk of the tree should tightly fit into a opening cut through the top piece of 1x6. The two pieces are then glued together. Once dry drill a hole through the bottom piece. A crew will pull the tree trunk in and secure it in place.