
Outdoor Chess Board made from ceramic tile and Hardiebacker cement board.

How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a wet saw. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a disc grinder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

To cut square holes or notches in hardiebacker cement board use a disc grinder with a stone grinding disc. Plundge cut each carefully cutting as close to each corner as possible. Then use a jig saw to finish cut each corner. Again eyer protection and a mask are mandatory.

This usually ends up with a pretty straight cut which is perfect for most construction jobs.

If you need a cleaner straight cut a tile saw or wet saw works well. These saws will easily cut the hardiebacker cement board and will not create much dust.

How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a disc grinder. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board. Image of ceramic tile chess board with Hardiebacker. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a wet saw. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a knife. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a jig saw. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to cut Hardiebacker cement board. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

How to Easily Cut Hardiebacker Cement Board.

Hardiebacker cement board is a durable water and mold resistant cement board. Easy to work with but you have to learn how to cut it safely and easily.

The easiest method to cut hardiebacker cement board is to score a line with a razor knife. I like to use a plexiglass knife because it seems to stay in the groove better and it easy to apply extra pressure to assure a deep groove. 

How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a knife. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

If you only have a few cuts to make you could even use a circular saw or table saw. Both will easily cut the Hardiebacker but but will create a huge amount of dust. Be sure to wear eye protection and a mask.

How to cut Hardiebacker cement board with a knife. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Once a deep groove is scored all you have to do is put your knee against the board with the groove facing away from you and snap the hardie board.