
After the glue is dry, usually 24 hours run the butchers block through a planner. This will skim off any wood protruding and level the block. The next step is to draw out the desired outline and then cut out the shape. We just used a jig saw.

DIY America Flag Cutting Board
Nautical Sea Turtle DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

This DIY Cleaver was made with nautical metal etchings to match these nautical cutting boards. Check out how easy it is to metal etch almost any design into one of your own knives.

How to easily make a Bluefish shaped nautical cutting board. These butchers block cutting boards are easy to craft and make great gifts. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

How to make a Nautical Fish Shaped butchers block cutting board. This is actually an easy project. Check out this short video for free step by step instructions for how to easily carve these nautical cutting boards. We use a dremel grinder and some basic tools. They make a very eye catching wood carving which will fit into any nautical themed home. Easy wood carving with dremel grinder.

Nautical Sea Turtle DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
Nautical Fish Shaped DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Butchers Block Cutting Boards.
​Check out our series of short how-to videos which show step by step instructions on how to build Butchers Block Cutting Boards and how to cut and shape them into beautiful custom designs. Cutting boards make great gift items and with these easy to make custom designs will enhance any kitchens decor.

Beautifully detailed metal etching with stencils cut on the Silhouette Cameo cutting machine. FREE step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to easily make beautiful butchers block fish shaped cutting boards. FREE step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

How to make a Sea Turtle Shaped butchers block cutting board. This is actually an easy project. Check out this short video for free step by step instructions and see just how to easy it is to cut out this nautical cutting boards. We use a disc grinder and some basic tools to craft this butchers block into the shape of a Sea Turtle. They make a beautiful eye catching wood carving which will fit into any nautical themed home.

Nautical Sea Turtle DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
Nautical Sea Turtle DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to easily make beautiful butchers block tropical fish shaped cutting boards. FREE step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Easy DIY Ocean Wave epoxy cutting board. All you need is Makerpoxy kit from Oceanboat and a hair dryer. Check out this short how to video and see just how easy this project is.

All of these projects start by glueing together hardwood to form a butchers block. To reduce the tools needed we just used standard pre cut 1x2x8' pieces of Red Oak and Poplar. You could use any hardwood that is hard and has a tight grain. May sound a little repetitive but  Balsa is considered a hardwood and is so soft it could never be used as a cutting board. 

Beautifully detailed metal etching with stencils cut on the Silhouette Cameo cutting machine. FREE step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
Nautical Fish Shaped DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

Regardless of if you buy pre cut or strip your own hardwood to size. Start by glueing and then clamping the wood together. Use a good quality water proof glue that is also food safe. We have listed a short video on pipe clamps that will make this process a little easier.

Additional design details like lines can be easily added with a dremel grinder and cut off wheel. Be sure to sand the entire board smooth ten apply 2-3 coats a Cutting Board Oil to saturate the woods cell structure with oil. This way the wood can not absorb any additional moisture or germs during food preparation.  These unique custom hand made cutting boards will enhance almost any home or kitchen decor. They can be cut in a variety of shapes and sizes and make excellent hand crafted gifts.

How to easily make beautiful butchers block fish shaped cutting boards. FREE step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

After the shape is cut out. We used a disc grinder with a flap sanding wheel to smooth over all of the hard corners and shape the wood to desired design. This grinder can remove quite a bit of wood very quickly. Be careful and please review any of the videos listed above to visualize the process.

How to easily make beautiful butchers block fish shaped cutting boards. FREE step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
How to easily make a Blackfish shaped nautical cutting board. These butchers block cutting boards are easy to craft and make great gifts. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com
Custom Nautical Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

DIY THANKSGIVING CUTTING BOARD with reusable wood burning stencils from Ikonart In this short how-to video Dan Berg from DIYeasycrafts uses reusable stencils from Ikonart and torchpaste to create these Thanksgiving Cutting Boards. The artwork was purchased as a downloadable SVG file from ETSY. The art was printed onto a transparent film and then to Ikonarts stencil film. Once finished these stencils are tachy on one side so they stick to the wood, This really helps prevent any of the torch paste from seeping under the stencil. This was our second time using both products so we wanted to see how much detail could be obtained. The stencils were easy to make and produced beautiful detailed designs. Please subscribe if you want to see more stencil crafts. Already working on a T shirt stencil and some metal etching.

Nautical Fish Shaped DIY Butchers Block Cutting Board. Free step by step instructions. www.DIYeasycrafts.com

How to easily make a Butchers Block Cutting Board. This short video shows how easy it is to make beautiful cutting boards using standard size wood. Free step by step instructions for how to easily make butchers block cutting boards or counter tops.